How to Keep Yours Feet and Knees Remain Safe In Winter.

How to Keep Yours Feet and Knees Remain Safe In Winter.

Due to today’s hectic life and sitting jobs, people often do not pay attention to the muscles of their legs. With increasing age, they are surrounded by problems like knee or leg pain. If you want to avoid osteoporosis or arthritis after the age of 40-50, then do these leg exercises.

Not only the elderly, nowadays even the youth and children have started complaining of pain in their legs and knees. The changing lifestyle has affected everyone’s health. If you do these simple exercises regularly in time, then your legs, knees and joints will remain safe and healthy in the future.

Dynamic Selfie

Regular dynamic Squats strengthen the muscles of the legs and hips. But while the movement in squats is slow, it is fast in dynamic squats. Therefore, it should be done only after practice. For this, stand straight and spread the legs equal to the width of the shoulders. While inhaling, bring the body down quickly, then take it up with a jerk. Bend the knees at an angle of 90 degrees. Stop for 5-10 seconds, then rise up while exhaling. Do this 8 to 12 times. To make it more effective, you can take light weights in your hands. Elderly people can also do it, but if there is pain or injury in the legs and knees, then do not do it. Do not do it without consulting a doctor.

Von Supported Squats

Stand with your back facing the attack. Spread your legs shoulder-width apart. Keep your back against the wall. Now take a deep breath and slowly sit down, bend your knees at an angle of 220 degrees.

  • Pause for 1 second, exhale and rise 1. Do this 8 to 10 times.

Toe rage

This is an effective exercise to strengthen the legs, ankles and calf muscles. Stand straight. Keep a high chair in front of you and take support of it with your hands. Now lift the toes up. The body should not shrink and the posture should be correct. The heels should be touching the ground. Stay in this position for a few seconds and then slowly bring the feet back to the previous position. Repeat this 8-10 times.


Deadlift exercises almost the whole body. Especially the muscles of legs, hips and back become strong. Stand straight with legs spread. Hold lightweight weights like dumbbells or barbells in both hands and keep the back straight. While inhaling, slowly lift the weight up. For this, put pressure on the muscles of the hips. Now slowly bring the weights down. Repeat this process 10-12 times. Do not do this if you have back, waist or knee pain.

The Scots

Squats are a good workout for the legs. It strengthens the muscles of the legs, hips and thighs. Strength increases and body balance improves. Stand straight with both feet shoulder-width apart. Stretch your hands in front or place them on your hips. Now bend your knees and sit as if you are sitting on a chair. Your back should be straight and your hips should be at 90 degrees. Now stand straight with the support of your hips and legs. You can repeat this 10 times in the beginning and 20-30 times after practice.


Lunges strengthen the muscles of the legs and hips, as well as open the joints, increasing flexibility. Stand straight with legs spread apart. Move one leg forward, keep the other behind. Bend the knee of the front leg at 90 degrees and slowly try to touch the knee of the back leg to the ground. Stay in this position for a while, then slowly stand up. Do lunges with both legs alternately. Initially do it 10 times and later up to 15-20 times Repost.

Keep these things in mind

  • Seek medical advice before starting exercise.
  • Take the help of a trainer, because doing exercise incorrectly will cause harm instead of benefit.
  • Drink enough water to keep the body hydrated during exercise and take a small pause after each set to keep the muscles ready.
  • Warming up is necessary before exercising, otherwise the risk of injury may increase.
  • For warm-up, do light stretching of legs, rotation or movement of knees and brisk walking for 5-7 minutes. This will prepare the body for exercise.

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